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Spandex Covered Yarn is a type of yarn that covers the bare spandex with other filament yarns. Its main feature is its enhanced elasticity and comfort. It can be used for a wide variety of applications, including elastic denim, webbing, socks, underwear, and lace. This type of yarn is manufactured through a complex process that involves chemical and mechanical action, which is essential for creating high-quality products. There are several different types of covered spandex yarn available on the market, including air-covered spandex and single-covered spandex. It is important to know which one you need for your specific application before purchasing it.
The bare spandex is covered with different filament yarns such as polyester, nylon, viscose and cotton to make Spandex Covered Yarn. Then, the yarn is knitted or woven into different fabrics for the end product. It is widely used in weaving, warp knitting and woven fabrics, and it can also be used to weave spandex fabric for sports tights and pantyhose.
There are two types of covered spandex yarn: air-covered and mechanically covered. The former is a special yarn in which outsourcing fiber filaments are drafted at the same time and regularly sprayed by highly compressed air to form rhythmic network points. This helps in the formation of an extremely soft and smooth to the touch fabric.
According to the equipment used for covering, these yarns are divided into single-covering and double-covering spandex. Single-covered spandex is the most common of these types and can be produced in a wide range of fabric styles. Its biggest disadvantage is that the exposed core yarn becomes very hard, and the elasticity decreases.
A common method for covering a spandex yarn is to wrap it with a filament or short fiber yarn that covers it in a spiral manner. This new structure can improve the uniformity of the strip feeling and eliminate the hairiness. It also has excellent bulkiness and plumpness, which can make the fabric more durable.
Covered spandex is mainly used in fabrics that require high elasticity, such as warp knitted fabrics and jacquard double-layer weft knitted fabrics. It is also ideal for woven fabrics, but there are some limitations on its use in some cases.
During the production of covered spandex, it is critical to control the twist level to achieve the desired result. Generally, the twist level should be controlled at 600 to 800 TPM, depending on the denier and style of the fabric. This can help improve the strength and elasticity of the fabric, while reducing the risk of damage during weaving. In addition, the amount of twist should be varied to match the elongation of the fabric, which can help it maintain its shape. Using the right amount of twist can also help to avoid the formation of gaps or holes in the finished fabric.